Jan 8, 2010

To stuff or not to stuff

Let me introduce you with a litle dillema of mine: I'm a big animal fan but still I have a morbid fascination with stuffed animals.

On the one hand I'm against any cruelty towards animals but on the other hand I do eat meat and wear leather. But are stuffed animals a step too far? I guess there is a diferentation between just killing an animal to make a trophy out of it, or having a beloved pet immortalized. Although the latter also gives me the creeps.

But even tough I like the look of stuffed animals, I think that in their vicinity, I wouldn't feel quite comfortable and would soon begin to think that their little beady eyes were watching me.

So what do you think? Taxidermy, yay or nay?

Apartment Therapy

Home Sweet Home

Lonny Magazine


Bridget said...

I feel quite similarly. In styled photos and other settings I love the presence of taxidermy, especially birds and non-furry critters. Somehow I have yet to integrate anything of the sort into my home, but I also haven't sought it out...perhaps if I came across a piece smartly priced at an estate sale I'd be tempted.

Please post about it if you take the leap!

Tilda B. Hervé said...

i'm fascinated by them too.... i think it's ok to buy them, but i would only buy domestic animals.