Nov 23, 2008

It's that time of the year again!

I've been so bussy at work lately that I almost forgot that my favourite holiday of the year is coming closer and closer. Yes, Christmas is knocking on the doorstep!

Since I have a tradition of giving handmade presents to my closest friends and family, I am totally behind schedule! I'm not even sure what I'll make for everybody this year!

However, I'll probably make some teacup candles. I made these last year for a friend who was moving into her first apartment. They're very easy to make and they look gorgeous!

That's one done and another zillion to go...

P.S.: A few minutes after I posted this, mother nature send me a personal reminder... It started snowing!


Anonymous said...

These are fantastic! I love this idea

Carrie said...

Thanks Julia. They really are very easy to make. Just melt some wax, put a wick in the tea cup, pour the wax in and wait until it sets.