Nov 12, 2008

Design that makes me smile: Principessa

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who, like all other little girls, dreamed about her prince in shining armor. He would sweep her off her feet and take her to her dream castle, where they would live happily ever after.

Ah, but little girls grow up. I found prince charming – who lost a bit of his integrity by leaving his socks lying around - but the castle hasn’t materialized yet.

Fortunately for me, design duo Doshi Levien, have come up with a perfect way to relive my princess fantasies. Their day bed Principessa is based on the fairytale « The Princess and the Pea » and features several thin matrasses on top of each other (I wonder if there is an actual pea underneath). The illustrations on the bed show everything a princess needs for a night out. Handy, kind of like an IKEA manual for the aspiring princess.

1 comment:

Happy Harris said...

Hi carrie - thanks for adding me to your followers list...I have tagged you to say thanks xx

Drop by my blog to check out the rules - love happy x